Sissy Boudoir

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Head and Chin Up Forward

If your head or chin leads, you will appear less feminine. This is related to the masculine manner of leaning forward. Make sure that when you are around Your Mistress or Your lover, who is of course, one of the main reason You are being feminine because She enjoys that. Be careful of where your head is. When your head is down your shoulders will slump forward preventing a feminine silhouette. Graceful women walk with their heads back and tilted, keeping their chin parallel to the floor, and their weight centered in their pelvis. My Mistress taught me by example. If you are wanabe sissy, try to create a feminine silhouette by learning to stand and walk with their weight back and allowing your hips, heads, and hands to be more expressive in communicating balanced feminine movements.


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